Akshat Rathi
6 years ago | 19 IMPRESSIONS
100,000 homes in Germany now have battery-storage systems connected to the grid
Germany helped make solar power cheap. As of June this year, it boasts 1 million homes that have installed rooftop solar panels. That means the country produces a lot of renewable energy—sometimes more than it can use. ...
Linda Poon
6 years ago | 18 IMPRESSIONS
What Will It Take to Make Buildings Carbon Neutral?
Last month, 19 cities signed a declaration to make all new buildings carbon neutral by 2030. So what happens next? ...
Johnny Wood
6 years ago | 17 IMPRESSIONS
These Dutch microgrid communities can supply 90% of their energy needs
The power to switch from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources could rest in the hands of local communities. New research suggests decentralized, smart microgrid systems are capable of providing most, if not all, of our future energy needs. ...
Zen,Janusz Wojciechowski,Miasto Jest Nasze,Czyste Ogrzewanie,Karwat Zenon,adela rock,Grzegorz .
6 years ago | 17 IMPRESSIONS
Janusz Wojciechowski on Twitter
Każdego roku zanieczyszczenie powietrza powoduje około 400 000 przedwczesnych zgonów w UE i setki miliardów euro kosztów zewnętrznych związanych ze zdrowiem. ...
air pollution
The Data Team
6 years ago | 22 IMPRESSIONS
Wood-burning stoves, the picturesque polluters
INTERIOR-DESIGN magazines and television programmes have in recent years fuelled a fashion for wood-burning stoves. About 7.5% of homes in Britain burn wood for ambience or warmth, according to a survey in 2015. By now the share is probably higher, since about 175,000 new stoves are sold each year. ...
air pollution
Piotr Stępiński
6 years ago | 16 IMPRESSIONS
The fight against smog in Poland is a fiction (INTERVIEW)
In an interview with BiznesAlert.pl, Andrzej Guła, head of the Polish Smog Alert said that despite the announcements, this year it will be impossible to introduce standards that will eliminate coal of a very low quality. ...
California Energy Commission
6 years ago | 15 IMPRESSIONS
Building Energy Use Program Changing How California Companies Conserve
Benchmarking is beginning to change the way California’s companies conserve energy. Statewide benchmarking, or measuring a building’s energy usage compared to similar buildings, has emerged through legislation and programs established in San Francisco, Berkeley, and most recently, Los Angeles. ...
6 years ago | 27 IMPRESSIONS
7 Steps to Enter the Home Buying Negotiations with Your Eyes Wide Open
Buying a home is big deal. ...
buying home
energy efficiency
Luisa Zottis
6 years ago | 21 IMPRESSIONS
Saving Money in the Summer: Appliances
Note: To help you save money (and energy!) during the hottest months of the year, the Alliance to Save Energy is publishing a mini blog-series, “Saving Money in the Summer.” We’ll focus on key tips to improve energy efficiency at home and on-the-go. ...
Gerard Wynn
6 years ago | 16 IMPRESSIONS
Poland’s largest utility, PGE struggles to break from its fossil fuel past
The financial stability of PGE, Poland’s largest utility, could be undermined if it sticks with its current fossil fuel-heavy generation profile, writes Gerard Wynn. ...
6 years ago | 21 IMPRESSIONS
Maintaining Your Air Conditioner
An air conditioner's filters, coils, and fins require regular maintenance for the unit to function effectively and efficiently throughout its years of service. Neglecting necessary maintenance ensures a steady decline in air conditioning performance while energy use steadily increases. ...
air conditioner
6 years ago | 20 IMPRESSIONS
Three Spring Cleaning Tips to Improve Your Home’s Energy Efficiency
With the weather warming up around the country, it’s time that many start thinking about their annual spring cleaning checklist. This year, as you're planning for ways to deep clean, organize or just generally improve your home, don't forget to add energy-related home improvements to that list. ...
6 years ago | 16 IMPRESSIONS
5 Things You Need To Know About IPMVP
IPMVP stands for the International Performance Measurement and Verification Protocol. ...
Coley Girouard
6 years ago | 21 IMPRESSIONS
Access to Data: Bringing the Electricity Grid into the Information Age
A successful transition to a 21st Century Electricity System requires consideration of a range of issues that will ultimately redefine the regulatory framework and utility business model while creating new opportunities for third-party providers and customers to contribute to the operation of the ...
Liam Stoker
6 years ago | 17 IMPRESSIONS
UK engineering institute sees hydrogen, power-to-gas as great renewable energy integrator
The UK’s power system could become greener and more efficient if excess generation, typically from renewable sources, was used to create hydrogen, a national association of engineers has said. ...