6 years ago | 28 IMPRESSIONS
Carbon emissions from advanced economies set to rise in 2018 for first time in five years, reversing a declining trend
The world’s advanced economies will see an uptick in their carbon dioxide emissions this year, bucking a five year-long decline, according to the International Energy Agency. ...
6 years ago | 17 IMPRESSIONS
The ExcEED project -which stands for European Energy Efficient building district Database: from data to information to knowledge – takes the pulse of the actual energy consumed by last generation of buildings. ...
6 years ago | 23 IMPRESSIONS
UN Climate Change Conference COP24, Katowice, 2-14 December 2018
UN Climate Change Conference COP24, Katowice, 2-14 December 2018 ...
6 years ago | 32 IMPRESSIONS
10 Trends Reshaping Climate and Energy
10 Trends Reshaping Climate and Energy - European Political Strategy Centre ...
6 years ago | 25 IMPRESSIONS
'It would be great to have clean air': A Polish wish as crucial climate talks open
The official video promoting the host of this year's crucial international climate talks paints a glowing green picture. The video makes no mention of the tough negotiations starting in Katowice, a city in Poland's prime coal-mining country, nor of the smog that often plagues the region. ...
6 years ago | 26 IMPRESSIONS
Energy Efficiency 2018
Since 2000, these improvements in the world’s major economies have offset more than a third of the rise in energy-intensive activities. But the positive impact of efficiency policies has been overwhelmed by fast-growing economic activities in emerging countries that boost energy demand. ...
ANDY,Mark Churchill,Peter Easton,Jack Lance,Generation Squeeze,Farming in Ontario,Don Rae
6 years ago | 16 IMPRESSIONS
Generation Squeeze on Twitter
Tell Our Politicians: #PollutionCantBeFree! Join the Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment and sign the petition now http://gensqueeze.ca/thrive #1Point5ToThrive #cdnpoli @cape @cathmckenna @PollutersPay ...
6 years ago | 22 IMPRESSIONS
Powering down coal: Navigating the economic and financial risks in...
Follow the link above to use the interactive portal, view the data by company, country or region and download the report. This portal covers 6,685 coal units which represent ~95% (1,900 GW) of global operating capacity and ~90% (220 GW) of capacity under-construction. ...
Mathew Carr
6 years ago | 20 IMPRESSIONS
Almost Half of Coal Power Plants Seen Unprofitable to Operate
The surge in coal prices in the past three years is cutting into the profitability of power stations that burn the fuel, a prominent forecaster said. ...
Sebastien Malo
6 years ago | 21 IMPRESSIONS
Deadly air pollution shortens lives by nearly 2 years - researchers
NEW YORK, Nov 19 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Air pollution, caused largely by burning fossil fuels, is cutting global life expectancy by an average of 1.8 years per person, making it the world’s top killer, researchers said on Monday. ...
BPIE Buildings EU,Climate-KIC,Climate Strategy,Leonardo ENERGY,WorldGBC Europe,Construction21,EuroACE,Buildings 2030,European Climate Initiative
6 years ago | 29 IMPRESSIONS
BPIE Buildings EU on Twitter
Clear direction for #EnergyEfficient & zero carbon #buildings in #EU2050 climate strategy: @EU_Commission calls for higher #renovation rates, #renewable heating & highly skilled workforce https://bit. ...
EUSEW Secretariat
6 years ago | 17 IMPRESSIONS
#EUSEW19 - submit your winning applications now
During the EU Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW), five of the year’s most outstanding projects will be named winners of the EU Sustainable Energy Awards, also known as the EUSEW Awards. ...
6 years ago | 23 IMPRESSIONS
Energy4Europe ?? on Twitter
Today the European Commission adopted a strategic long-term vision for a prosperous, modern, competitive and climate neutral economy by 2050 – A Clean Planet for all → https://europa. ...
Sam Morgan
6 years ago | 23 IMPRESSIONS
New EU plan comes out fighting for ‘climate neutrality’ by 2050
The European Commission will unveil its much-anticipated plan for a “climate-neutral Europe” later on Wednesday (28 November), in an effort to show EU countries how to stick to the goals of the Paris Agreement and endorse a shared long-term strategy. ...
6 years ago | 19 IMPRESSIONS
Multiple benefits & related news
Jonny Bairstow writes on the Energy Live News website about a recent survey from Johnson Controls saying businesses want to reduce their carbon footprint, save money, boost energy security and enhance their reputation ‘Majority of global firms to step up efficiency spending’ More than half of gl ...