Philippe Moseley,Quentin de Hults
7 years ago | 20 IMPRESSIONS
Philippe Moseley on Twitter
We challenged @EU_EASME staff to show how they could save #energy at home. Any great ideas? #EASME18 #Tw4SE ...
7 years ago | 20 IMPRESSIONS
Nordic region offers valuable lessons for rapid EV deployment worldwide
The number of electric vehicles (EVs) in the Nordic region is projected to reach 4 million cars by 2030, or more than 15 times the number currently in circulation, according to the International Energy Agency’s Nordic EV Outlook 2018, a swift rate of deployment that can offer valuable lessons f ...
7 years ago | 21 IMPRESSIONS
Multiannual Financial Framework beyond 2020 : Five principles to improve how the EU finances building renovation and a nearly zero energy building stock : BPIE : Buildings Performance Institute Europe
The upcoming EU Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) beyond 2020 is a unique opportunity for the EU to examine into the functioning of its funding system and propose solutions to unlock barriers,  with the aim to fully deploy public and private financing to improve the quality of life of its peop ...
7 years ago | 12 IMPRESSIONS
Nordic region offers valuable lessons for rapid EV deployment worldwide
The number of electric vehicles (EVs) in the Nordic region is projected to reach 4 million cars by 2030, or more than 15 times the number currently in circulation, according to the International Energy Agency’s Nordic EV Outlook 2018, a swift rate of deployment that can offer valuable lessons f ...
Matt Conway
7 years ago | 23 IMPRESSIONS
The End of Building Energy Modeling
Questioning a widely accepted standard for energy engineering is not to be taken lightly. Yet in 2014 I found myself doing just that. While collaborating on the Department of Energy-sponsored Building Asset Rating (BAR) program, my faith in the gold standard of energy analysis was shattered. ...
Kara Ireland
7 years ago | 26 IMPRESSIONS
What Happens When UX is Injected into Utility Energy Efficiency Programs
Privacy Policy Privacy Policy for Tendril Networks, Inc. Tendril Networks, Inc. (“Tendril” or “We”) delivers end-to-end consumer engagement products, applications, and services (the “Services”) via our open, secure, and scalable platform—Tendril Connect™. ...
7 years ago | 20 IMPRESSIONS
Hacking Puerto Rico’s Power Crisis with DIY Solar Panels
This week marks five months since Hurricane Maria struck Puerto Rico, plunging the island into the worst blackout in American history. Chris recently went to the U.S. territory to met a man who has made his mission to bring power back to his people via DIY solar tech -- all with the help of a YouTub ...
Fiona Harvey, environment
7 years ago | 24 IMPRESSIONS
Air pollution: UK government loses third court case as plans ruled 'unlawful'
For the third time, the UK government has been slammed by the courts for failing to produce an adequate plan to tackle the growing problem of air pollution, in a landmark judgment that will force ministers back to the drawing board in their efforts to clean up dirty urban air. ...
Michael Isaac Stein
7 years ago | 23 IMPRESSIONS
The Uneven Gains of Energy Efficiency
Low-income Americans are more likely to live in housing that wastes energy, which saddles them with disproportionately high energy costs. ...
7 years ago | 20 IMPRESSIONS
The IEA Energy Efficiency Indicators Database
Having reliable data and indicators on how energy is used is key to informing and monitoring the effectiveness of energy efficiency policies. ...
7 years ago | 22 IMPRESSIONS
Clean energy wins for America by lowering costs, spurring economic growth and fostering job creation.
Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF) is an industry research firm focused on helping energy professionals generate opportunities. ...
Matt Conway
7 years ago | 21 IMPRESSIONS
Want More Accurate Building Occupancy and Energy Use Data? Networked LEDs Are Lighting the Way Forward
There is a fast-approaching time when the way we assess energy efficiency today will seem, well… quaint. “Remember the days,” our future selves will reminisce with a chuckle, “before the per-occupant energy rating was developed for commercial spaces? We were really grasping at straws!” ...
Niall McCarthy
7 years ago | 22 IMPRESSIONS
How Much Money Can An LED Lightbulb Save You Annually?
Across Europe, many people have bid their dusty old incandescent lightbulbs farewell and replaced them with modern LEDs. They tend to use up to 75 percent less energy than conventional lightbulbs and last up to 25 times longer. ...
John Massey
7 years ago | 51 IMPRESSIONS
Charging Electric Vehicles: The Challenges Ahead
Forget the latest Tesla announcement, writes John Massey. What is more important for the future of electric cars is how we will solve the challenge of charging them. ...
Kevin Randolph
7 years ago | 24 IMPRESSIONS
ComEd energy efficiency plan includes 30 programs, $1.4 billion investment over four years
ComEd recently introduced its new energy efficiency plan, which includes 30 programs representing a total investment of up to $1.4 billion over four years. The plan, ComEd said, was enabled by the Future Energy Jobs Act (FEJA). The Illinois Commerce Commission approved the plan in 2017. ...